For Beginners Unique offering – Offshorability Consulting
For first time offshoring customers this can be a Unique and Valuable help. Not everything can be off shored/outsourced.. So how to choose ? Many go to the other extreme :- Nothing can be off shored.
So our Off shorability Consulting helps evaluate the benefits for the customer from
- Investments already made or
- Committed to a set of IT projects and services
INET brings to the customer a study of the feasibility of offshore outsourcing of IT applications and/ or services as an option for the optimization and also offers to draw up an implementation roadmap for the same. We bring to the customer, specific focus areas of this evaluation:
- Mapping customer technology footprint, process framework and dependency on infrastructure and business knowledge.
- Assessing IT investments made in managing projects and services and evaluating multiple options including offshore outsourcing for optimizing investments
- Drawing up a phased offshore roadmap for the projects and services as appropriate for offshore outsourcing
- Drawing an implementation plan with supporting engagement models and success metrics
For Matured Off shorers
We bring value by maximizing the benefits of outsourcing with special set of offerings
- Process improvementIn this we help clients achieve lasting results through optimizations and improvement of processes.
- Multiple Vendor performance dashboard This helps avoid surprises from multiple vendors and effective coordination where multiple vendors are involved in the same project.